Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Landlord granted 6.81% rent increase above guideline to cover capital costs at Orillia complex.
Ottawa landlord wins eviction case against tenants for persistent late rent payments, awarded $219.21.
Mississauga landlords awarded $23,054 in rent arrears after tenant eviction.
Mississauga landlords awarded $5,089 in rent arrears and costs after evicting non-paying tenants.
Mississauga landlord awarded $28,471 in rent arrears, tenant evicted for non-payment.
Landlord granted 6.81% rent increase above guideline to cover capital costs at Orillia complex.
Ottawa landlord wins eviction case against tenants for persistent late rent payments, awarded $219.21.
Mississauga landlords awarded $23,054 in rent arrears after tenant eviction.
Mississauga landlords awarded $5,089 in rent arrears and costs after evicting non-paying tenants.
Mississauga landlord awarded $28,471 in rent arrears, tenant evicted for non-payment.
Landlord granted 6.81% rent increase above guideline to cover capital costs at Orillia complex.
Ottawa landlord wins eviction case against tenants for persistent late rent payments, awarded $219.21.
Mississauga landlords awarded $23,054 in rent arrears after tenant eviction.
Mississauga landlords awarded $5,089 in rent arrears and costs after evicting non-paying tenants.
Mississauga landlord awarded $28,471 in rent arrears, tenant evicted for non-payment.
Landlord granted 6.81% rent increase above guideline to cover capital costs at Orillia complex.
Ottawa landlord wins eviction case against tenants for persistent late rent payments, awarded $219.21.
Mississauga landlords awarded $23,054 in rent arrears after tenant eviction.
Mississauga landlords awarded $5,089 in rent arrears and costs after evicting non-paying tenants.
Mississauga landlord awarded $28,471 in rent arrears, tenant evicted for non-payment.
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Landlord Win Rate: 100%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
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